Allocate more server CPU power to Cyberpanel - do you allow that?

Hello to all Cyberpanel users with dedicated servers on fast hardware.

my cyberpanel is running on an AMD Ryzen 7700x with 64GB ram and 1TB SSD

not only is it fast it is sadly underutilized

Question for the developer: have you considered giving CP more resources for servers like mine?

Example, I run backups and they take too long to complete. The same with backup restores. Here is a screen shot of my server while running daily backups:


I have set Set Performance Mode:
apt install power-profiles-daemon
powerprofilesctl set performance

which helps but still the power of the server for CP processes needs consideration.

note: Why do I have such strong CPUs running these servers?
answer: under DDOS attack all the cores along with openlitespeed and a smart WAF is the only defense that allows the websites to load normally while under attack. cheap VPS and old servers simply can not withstand DDOS as well.

Sincerely the LiteSpeed Lover -

Thank you

Rana Muhammad Usman Nasir