After updating snappymail, we are no longer able to receive emails
What to do?
After updating snappymail, we are no longer able to receive emails
What to do?
Hello @marcelodelta
This is a vague question.
Kindly give more information - what you did, what errors you see (screenshots, error logs), what you have tried to fix your issue, what you think might be the causing the issue
The email arrives, in mailscanner but it doesn’t show in snappymail.
This happened after I updated to the latest version.
I unchecked.
I tried to send an email from gmail to this server and it’s still not showing in snappymail.
Do you have lastest commit of cyberpanel ? Have you tried to run the upgrade script
does not show new messages after update.
Can you enable logging and tell me which errors get logged there when you try to send an email to your server FAQ · the-djmaze/snappymail Wiki · GitHub
Post screenshots or better copy paste the logs here in Preformatted text
The problem is not with sending.
We are able to send emails.
The problem is in the received emails. They are not showing in the inbox.
He understands ?
Yes thats why am telling you to send that cyberpanel server an email from say gmail/yahoo etc
Log file
Check you config file /usr/local/lscp/cyberpanel/rainloop/data/_data_/_default_/configs/application.ini
and turn off ssl verify
; Require verification of SSL certificate used.
verify_certificate = Off
; Require verification of SSL certificate used.
verify_certificate = Off
; Allow self-signed certificates. Requires verify_certificate.
allow_self_signed = On
; /docs/man1.1.1/man3/SSL_CTX_set_security_level.html
security_level = 1
; Location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem (/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt)
cafile = “”
; capath must be a correctly hashed certificate directory. (/etc/ssl/certs/)
capath = “”
; Location of client certificate file (pem format with private key) on local filesystem
local_cert = “”
; This can help mitigate the CRIME attack vector.
disable_compression = On
Just a silly question are your DNS records configured correctly?
Yes they are. Receiving emails worked normally before the snappymail update.
How to go back to the previous version?
We have a lot of demand for domains without working the email.
gmail server response
FAILED_PRECONDITION: connect error (113): No route to host]
our port 25 is blocked, will it, when we update to new version. Did the server switch back to using port 25?
We can’t leave it on port 25. Too much spam