Access to panel 503 Service Unavailable Centos 7.6 fresh install

Provider: My Own machine on hosting

Virtualization Type: Proxmox LXC container.

System: centos-release-7-6.1810.2.el7.centos.x86_64

OLS or Enterprise?

Installing from the official server or mirror server?

Replace JS/CSS files to JS Delivr?

Install Memcached extension for PHP?

Install LiteSpeed Memcached?

Install Memcached?

Install Redis extension for PHP?

Install Redis?


When I try to do install, it succeeds and but in log there are errors:

grep ERROR /var/log/installLogs.txt 
[11-35-06-Wed-Sep-2019] [ERROR] We are not able to add user cyberpanel return code: 9 [setup_account_cyberpanel]
[11-45-06-Wed-Sep-2019] [ERROR] We are not able to Install LSCPD return code: 9 [installLSCPD]
[11-45-12-Wed-Sep-2019] [ERROR] We are not able to add lscpd to important groups return code: 6 [fixCyberPanelPermissions]
[11-45-33-Wed-Sep-2019] [ERROR] We are not able to fix permissions /usr/local/CyberCP/public/phpmyadmin/tmp return code: 1 [fixCyberPanelPermissions]
[11-45-33-Wed-Sep-2019] [ERROR] We are not able to Change permissions for client. return code: 1 [fixCyberPanelPermissions]
[11-45-33-Wed-Sep-2019] [ERROR] We are not able to Change permissions for client. return code: 1 [fixCyberPanelPermissions]
[11-45-33-Wed-Sep-2019] [ERROR] We are not able to Change permissions for client. return code: 1 [fixCyberPanelPermissions]
[11-45-33-Wed-Sep-2019] [ERROR] We are not able to Change permissions for client. return code: 1 [fixCyberPanelPermissions]
[11-45-33-Wed-Sep-2019] [ERROR] We are not able to Change permissions for client. return code: 1 [fixCyberPanelPermissions]

I tried re-install on clean centos 7 but still happens on fresh install. And when I try to access panel I get 503 Service Unavailable.

Don’t support LXC so far.

:disappointed: Guess will have to use KVM then. Maybe there are any walkarounds?

Type your comment> @CyberPanel said:

Don’t support LXC so far.

That was a very simple answer. What if other users try to further understand the source of the problem? Could you expand your explanation of why these errors originate?