5 - Send Emails to your Lists

After following all previous 4 steps we are finally ready to send emails to our email list(s).


Step 1: Open Website Launcher

Main > Websites > List Websites » Launch

Once launched, scroll down to Email Marketing

Step 2: Send Emails

  1. Select the template that needs to be sent.
  2. Select a list for your email message.
  3. Select an SMTP Host.

Send to UN-verified email addresses

If you ran Email Verification for your list, then normally emails will not be sent to emails who’s verification failed. But if you check this option, emails will be sent to all addresses in the list.

Include unsubscribe link

This will add link for people to remove their emails from your email list. Please include this tag to inject unsubscribe link in your emails

{{ unsubscribeCheck }}