Usually CyberPanel will automatically issue Let’s encrypt SSL cert for both www and non-www version of domains, but if in rare case it failed to issue WWW cert , you can extend the SSL for www domain manually.
1. Run command (change to your domain for ALL steps)
certbot certonly --webroot -w /home/\_html -d -d
and enter E during operation
2. Now new cert is issued successfully, we need to replace them with existing ones.
ls -ln /etc/letsencrypt/live/
and finally restart LiteSpeed Web Server.
systemctl restart lsws
I ran the command to extend the certificate as described above but it failed with the following message:
Invalid response from
cme-challenge/zam_Z31zaETUVcYb1VjnBqLrnLCPtlLNfJ00y85awjY: 404
Hint: The Certificate Authority failed to download the temporary challenge files created
by Certbot. Ensure that the listed domains serve their content from the provided --webr
oot-path/-w and that files created there can be downloaded from the internet.
I installed the certificate using the panel and it did not create the .well–known folder in the root directory. I fact, I don’t know where the .well-known folder is created by the script used by CyberPanel.
Question: How can I edit the CyberPanel script so that it requests certs for the domain name and the www alias; or, how can I create a www alias that displays in the list of sites for which to request a certificate? I notice that the alias was somehow created without my expressly creating it.
This SSL issue is really messing up my site as is accepted as secure but is treated as insecure and dangerous by Chrome on desktop and Android; Firefox on desktop as well as Dolphin on Android. Firefox on Android will not allow access to the site at all although the others will allow entry with a warning.
It is a WordPress site and I have temporarily addressed the matter by setting the site url as, without the www.