2FA error en Access Cyberpanel - Can I disable it?

Hello team ,

I have just activated 2FA and it is impossible to access Cyberpanel. I insert the correct codes, but it always reports a password error.

I use CentOS and I have access from SSH, but my knowledge is very limited.

Is there a simple way to fix this, can you please help me?

I have read some post about this, here: 2FA error But I do not understand anything and I have not been able to solve the problem.

which part is not able to solve ?

Hy MyIDKaTePe , and thanks for reply :slight_smile:

I don’t use Ubuntu, I use CentOS7 and this doesn’t work :frowning:

Please access the cyberpanel database and then the cyberpanel admin user make the 2fa of that user to zero

I don’t think I know how to do that…


Ok, If you have the same problem, try this:

PASSWORD=$(cat /etc/cyberpanel/mysqlPassword);
mysql -uroot -p${PASSWORD} "${DB_NAME}" -e "SELECT twoFA FROM loginSystem_administrator WHERE id = 1;"

Hello, I have Centos7. followed the tutorial… this method to show if 2fa is active is working and showing value 1, but the update command is not working for me, command not found message. Any idea?