question 1
Am I going to run into troubles if I generated 10 000 mail boxes on my server ?
question 2
Is there a way to generate mail boxes in bulk via ftp or the console ?
Thank you
question 1
Am I going to run into troubles if I generated 10 000 mail boxes on my server ?
question 2
Is there a way to generate mail boxes in bulk via ftp or the console ?
Thank you
My own server running on cyberpanel, any issue if I end up generating 10 000 mailboxes with it or am I going to run into troubles ?
Not sending many but mainly for receiving emails without attachment
I am worried that if I generate too many mailboxes my system starts bugging
Thank you
you should be able to generate as many emails as you like, but thats why they use a catch all adress in frst place.
the email adresses are stored in the database , so as long your server can handle the increased load/traffic of the mail box and the mapping of the emails it should be fine
probably far from optimal but i see no reason why it should not be able to do that
after all , is that not the purpose of a control panael ? to support more clients then you manual can manage ?