Website is blank while the console is clear

This is my first time hosting a website and im facing some difficulties. I uploaded my .zip file and extracted it inside puplic_html but my website is displaying a blank page for some reason. I had some errors in the console but i fixed them by clearing my cookies, and now its clear. I think the problem is with the way i have my files in the file manager but im not sure. I would really appreciate the help.

Hello @omar-fares

your site seems that is working correctly! I just visited it from my browser and the index file is there, but it’s just totally empty from content! Those meta variables don’t have any display in the front end. They are in the Head, not in the Body where things get displayed. It’s not a Cyberpanel issue, this is HTML :slight_smile:

Try adding a <h1> Hello World </h1> between the <body></body> tags inside the index.html, and you will see the Title displaying :slightly_smiling_face:

PS: Also, try to share as less sensitive info as possible, e.g. you should blurr the real path directory.

Best regards!

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