Unable to add or edit posts new WordPress site. CP 1.8.8

Provider: Me

Dedicated Server 2x2680v2 256GB RAM 500GB SSD

Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (Fresh install, update, upgrade)

OLS or Enterprise? OLS
CyberPanel 1.8.8 Fresh Install (not upgrade)

The following info is from my memory. Is there a log I can check?

Installing from official server or mirror server? official

Replace JS/CSS files to JS Delivr? no

Install Memcached extension for PHP? Yes

Install LiteSpeed Memcached? yes

Install Memcached? no

Install Redis extension for PHP? yes

Install Redis? yes


Unable to add or edit posts new WordPress site. CP 1.8.8 Error message: Updating failed. All we are serving are sample posts installed by CyberPanel.

I did add Graphy free theme however would be surprised if that is the culprit. Will test after I grab some sleep to be certain.

Switching to 2019 theme results in 404 error on hello-world page. Good to know that cache purged on theme changed :slight_smile: I think it is time to start over. Waiting resolution of compose install and SSL cert bug reports to know how much to rip out.

404 could be due to rewrite rules, did you read → https://cyberpanel.net/2018/09/10/openlitespeed-v1-4-38-has-been-released/

Yes but I did not see any changes to my .htaccess file so did not see any reason to reload. Will examine more closely and revert. Again, this is my first encounter with OLS. I am a prior cPanel/LSWS Enterprise customer. Will purchase an enterprise license for this server as well – just wanted to get a quick look at CyberPanel and your demo was not working.

BTW, the dates displayed on your docs are confusing to me. They seem to change with each passing day. The URL carries 2018/09/10 but this posting shows 3 Aug 2019. They are all like that. So, for example, CyberPanel for Ubuntu 18.04 would appear to a newbie to have just been released into beta Aug 3 when in fact it is stable.

I’ve been meaning to ask about those dates …

My larger concern is how to reduce your ticket load for supporting newbies. Perhaps a curated list of prior blog postings and subscription to new ones?

TYVM. Reloading LSWS did the trick. Took me a bit to figure out where to go in CyberPanel to bounce LSWS but I knew it had to be there so resisted the sirens call of of the command line. Nearly 4AM here (we’re UT+8) so need some sleep.

I really want to tackle documentation holistically so perhaps we can start a discussion somewhere regarding your preferences and vision for the docs. Maybe I can recruit a couple of student interns here to maintain once we provide them a framework.

@enjo, sure you can join our slack if you want to discuss personally.