SQL backup not correct if large Database

Hello, I using function daily auto backup in cyberpanel (/usr/local/CyberCP/plogical/backupScheduleLocal.py) but if large database > 100mb script working not correct. It create incomplete sql files

Please help me how to fix this error.

When you run backups please monitor your server via top for htop and see if your server have enough ram to handle this process.

When you run backups please monitor your server via top for htop and see if your server have enough ram to handle this process.

Yes, My server have enough ram to handle this process.

Can you describe how it is generating incomplete backups? Do you see anything wrong in CyberPanel log file?

Can you describe how it is generating incomplete backups? Do you see anything wrong in CyberPanel log file?

I try backup with python and rclone, If small database it working perfect, but if large database is not enough MB compare to normal backup (hand backup)

No wrong in cyberpanel log file

Can you describe how it is generating incomplete backups? Do you see anything wrong in CyberPanel log file?

I try backup with python and rclone, If small database it working perfect, but if large database is not enough MB compare to normal backup (hand backup)

No wrong in cyberpanel log file

Did you modify the code in any way? How are you incorporating rclone since the official code does not use rclone.

Can you describe how it is generating incomplete backups? Do you see anything wrong in CyberPanel log file?

I try backup with python and rclone, If small database it working perfect, but if large database is not enough MB compare to normal backup (hand backup)

No wrong in cyberpanel log file

Did you modify the code in any way? How are you incorporating rclone since the official code does not use rclone.

I create 1 file backup.sh

In this file have script to syn to gg drive

python /usr/local/CyberCP/plogical/backupScheduleLocal.py`

I think official code working not perfect for largn db

I will test with a larger database to see if there are any issues.

I will test with a larger database to see if there are any issues.

Okay bro!