Restore Backup

I am having some problems with site recovery.
My backups are in /home / backup/
When you try to restore using CyberPanel out error 5009
It is worth noting that the database is restored,but the files - no.

Here is what the main the log:
[10-27-19-Mon-Oct-2018] Could not change password for MYSQL user: forum_horrors! [restoreDatabaseBackup]
[10-27-19-Mon-Oct-2018] [startRestore]

What version of CyberPanel are you running? Try to first delete this database along with any associated users, and re-try restore.

Also, make sure to be on the latest version.

What version of CyberPanel are you running? Try to first delete this database along with any associated users, and re-try restore.

Also, make sure to be on the latest version.

What version of CyberPanel are you running? Try to first delete this database along with any associated users, and re-try restore.

Also, make sure to be on the latest version.

Unfortunately, it did not help, the problem is the same