Quick question: How to turn off/block access to the CP to https://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8090?

Quick question:

I’ve added www.cp.domain.com and cp.domain.com as Cloudflare A record and have a valid SSL for cp.domain.com and can access CP via cp.domain.com:8090.

However, when I go to https://xxx.xxx:8090 I can login into CP as well, just without SSL. How do I turn off of the access via this address? Of is this expected behavior?

I don’t think that’s the question @zaku
If my cyberpanel’s domain is abc.com:8090 and I have 10 websites set up, each website on the server can use 8090 to access the cyberpanel dashboard.



He would like for the dashboard to be accessible only via abc.com:8090 since this is the hostname which has the SSL certificate set up on it. I’ve seen a couple requests for this in the forum.

He would like for the dashboard to be accessible only via abc.com since this is the hostname which has the SSL certificate set up on it. I’ve seen a couple requests for this in the forum.


Currently, I can access cp.domain.com:8090 and has a valid SSL. The ip:8090 does not (have SSL and is unsecure) and ideally shouldn’t be accessible. Not a huge problem, but it’s always good to get ride of other “doors” if one is not using them.