PHP Version change stuck

PHP verison changes are sometimes not reflected, it seems to have changed on the cyberpanel, but it does not happen when viewed with phpinfo, until the server restarts completely, how can we fix this?


can you tell me what the service log tells you when you make that change, you can find the log with the following documentation: Log files on CyberPanel - 14 - Logging & Troubleshooting - CyberPanel Community

maybe it’s something about the version of cyberpanel you’re using, if you give me a little more information I can help you

Thank you @ctorres,

[02.07.2022_11-33-45] [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/’ [IO Error with per host config file [changePHP]

[02.07.2022_11-33-47] [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/’ [IO Error with per host config file [changePHP]

[02.07.2022_11-33-48] [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/’ [IO Error with per host config file [changePHP]

After updating PHP, you need to restart PHP atleast for the changes to take effect.

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killall lsphp
then systemctl restart lsws
and check

@die2mrw007 thank you but php restart not solve this im trying before,

i am waiting to encounter the same error again i will try @shoaibkk 's method

Happened to me again today, I tried @shoaibkk method, still didn’t work

I couldn’t find the problem but I found the solution,

“Websites > List Websites > Manage” doesn’t work if you do it from here.

“Websites > Modify Website”
If you do it from here, yes working, the process is successful.

It seem like a bug.