New website returns 404 and log files wasn't created on the server

for now
cyberpanel is 2.1.2 but different day different silent update
sometimes make more trouble…but sometimes more improvment…

try to run aptget update upgrade or yum
then upgrade cyberpanel
after that reboot your server
try report here
i hope i can help you
im not sysadmin
im not developer
i just try help based on what i know.

this works 100% change group of public_html to nogroup


chown Yourusername:nogroup  /home/

but why the normal installation make this glitch ?

first how can i check if the folder has the wrong permissions, or group, then how can i make the changes im the main root user. can you add the commands please

you mean this ?New website returns 404 and log files wasn't created on the server - #23 by malwarepeter


Hi were you able to resolve this? I have the same problem. The thread has been hijacked to a different issue. Anyway, in my case it is a index.html file only. But getting the same error.

In Centos 7, I once had a similar issue with developers that when they upload files via FTP, the site was giving 404, in that case, they were uploading the public_html folder which was setting the user:group to YourUsername:YourUsername, the user:group on the public_html folder should be YourUsername:nobody.

So the following should fix the issue:

chown YourUsername:nobody /home/

As to what caused it on a fresh setup, I haven’t checked on it.

What will replace YourUsername

I tried this, but nothing really happened.

First go to file manager and click “Fix Permissions”
Then from SSH run the following command.

ls -la /home/domain/public_html

Refer to the image in the first post of this topic, you will see in his first image for the index.html you see hagoa7132 hagoa7132, that is equivalent to YourUsername:YourUserGroup.
So in his example “YourUsername” is hagoa7132.

When you run the command, you will get YourUsername, use that in the command:

chown YourUsername:nobody /home/

Understood thanks! This isn’t working for me. Shall check other issues.

I encountred the same problem and fixed it by issuing a new SSL from website management section as shown on picture.

@redzoua thank you, this fixed it for me also.
I had copied 4 wordpress sites over to cyberpanel in exactly the same way. The first three worked perfectly then, despite the same process the fourth didn’t and I got the 404 error.

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I have the same problem. I’ve done everything, but it still doesn’t work. I use Cloudflare with CyberPanel and openlitespeed web server. The problem occurs as a result of a migration from one openlitespeed web server to another openlitespeed webserver always on the same server, so there are not even different parameters because the server is the same.