My ip Blocked in spam mail still i only 1 domain in 28 days

This IP address was detected and listed 6 times in the past 28 days, and 3 times in the past 24 hours. The most recent detection was at Thu Sep 26 20:35:00 2019 UTC +/- 5 minutes

This IP address was self-removed 1 times in the past week.

This IP address was self-removed 1 times in the past 24 hours.

Your IP address (My ip address) is sending email in such a way as to strongly indicate that the IP itself is operating somes sort of spam package.

This IP is impersonating (via SMTP HELO command) being a domain we know it cannot be. No properly configured mail server does this under any circumstances.

If the IP is a NAT firewall, we strongly recommend configuring the firewall to prevent machines on your network connecting to the Internet on port 25, except for machines that are supposed to be mail servers.