"This domain does not exists" Issue while Setting up ExpressJS App

Hi! Geniuses @CyberPanel
Following the instructions of Setup Express.js Application on CyberPanel/OpenLiteSpeed, I attempted to create a node.js site as outlined in step 1, however, both the GUI and CLI of CyberPanel requested PHP, so I skipped to step 2 and went all the way to the end of step 3, but there is no new domain displayed in the List Websites.

Then I jumped to step 4, putting https:// < IP Address >:8090/websites/my_nodejs_site.com in the search bar, an error message popped up on the CyberPanel GUI, saying “This domain does not exists”.

Hello @jamesm671

You cannot skip a single step here. Make sure to do all steps Setup Express.js Application on CyberPanel/OpenLiteSpeed

Create a website, install nodejs and setup your nodejs app within that website - Go to CyberpanelWebsitesList Websites → Click the website/domain you want to setup a website → Click on File Manager

Some gotchas

But both the GUI and CLI of CyberPanel requested PHP, what am I going to do? pick up a version of PHP? but my subsite is node.js.
By the way, I am using Putty as CyberPanel CLI.

Pick any version it doesnt matter since you ar enot using it anyway.

OK, thanks.
By the way, I am using Putty as CyberPanel CLI. Is this OK?

You mean you are using cybperpanel cli ? Yes use it by all means

Make sure to create a website first before doing anything - CyberPanel Command Line Interface but if you are first timer its best you do everything on the panel just incase you miss something.

Thanks a lot. josephgodwinke.

through Putty, is it OK?

Yes its just a cli. Use it on vnc, ssh. There is no where else to use it.

Thanks again. josephgodwinke.
Sorry for being late to reply. The forum system said I hit the limit of 21 and didn’t allow me to post anymore yesterday.

Can you please tell me more about how to use Putty on vnc? or give me a tutorial link?


Thanks a lot, josephgodwinke

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