In lastest cyber panel 2.3.9 php 7.4 not available

In lastest cyber panel 2.3.9 php 7.4 not available,
Is there any way to add it ans use normally like other version.

There is PHP 7.4 in 2.3.9 version at least for me, probably you removed some PHP 7.4 extensions, check out it out in PHP > Install Extensions page if you can select 7.4 there at all

There I have check inside of php there I have not find 7.4

Try compiling PHP 7.4 in your LiteSpeed Webadmin Console (your_IP:7080), there is Tools > Compile PHP selection, then choose PHP 7.4 and click next till it installs, then restart server and try again to look PHP version in Cyberpanel selection.

I updated the readme box, but @usmannasir hasn’t committed it yet.
It all depends on what OS you choose and what OS version.

cyberpanel/ at stable · master3395/cyberpanel