Cannot access Cyperpanel after setup

I’m using Contabo VPS. I set up Cyberpanel but it doesn’t work. when I type my credentials, nothing happens it doesn’t let me sign in or even show error message when I type them wrong plus I have code from google authenticator field which I didn’t even set up. How to fix this?

Welcome and Happy New Year @Hedon59

To disable two factor authentication run in ssh terminal

$ mysql -u root
> use cyberpanel;
> UPDATE `loginSystem_administrator` SET `twoFA` = '0' WHERE `loginSystem_administrator`.`id` = 1;

To reset admin password run in ssh terminal

## change mynewpassword123 to your preferred password
$ adminPass mynewpassword123
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You go to the terminal and run this command to reset cyberpanel admin password:
$ adminPass mynewpassword123

To disable twoFA run following command:
$mysql -u root

use cyberpanel;
UPDATE loginSystem_administrator SET twoFA = ‘0’ WHERE = 1;

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