How to take back the Autologin function for phpmyadmin back after changing the database root password every time

The auto login to phpmyadmin is working with cyberpanel at the begining.
But I have a question that , I change the default root password of mariadb for security reason.
I also change the database root password as below.

Sudo vi /usr/local/CyberCP/CyberCP/
sudo vi /home/cyberpanel/.my.cnf
sudo vi /etc/cyberpanel/mysqlPassword

Most function work correctly after I change these file setting. But the phpmyadmin autologin function
has trouble with it. if I click the button on the cyberpanel to access the phpmyadmin, it will show a blank page.

I can temporary login to phpmyadmin by doing this:

cd /usr/local/CyberCP/public/phpmyadmin

I know that it just make the default to be work , But the problem is that
there is no more “Autologin” function for PHPmyadmin anymore if I replace the
So, any body know how to solute the problem properly ? Just want the Autologin function back after
changing the database root password every time.

Is it the problem the blowfish or the cookie auth of phpmyadmin ?
If yes, how to update the cookie auth of phpmyadmin with cyberpanel ?

Cyberpanel auto generated passwords are secured already. The passwords are created with combination of Letters, numbers and signs with good algorithm.

Did you changed password of mariadb, database root to a common password for both or the password is different for both?

I changed root password of mariadb to a common password via SSH (centos mysql -u root -p
), also edit related file below:
Sudo vi /usr/local/CyberCP/CyberCP/
sudo vi /home/cyberpanel/.my.cnf
sudo vi /etc/cyberpanel/mysqlPassword

I am not changing the user “cyberpanel” in the mariaDB and the related file above.

Due to the security reason , changing root password of the MariaDB is normal.
I can access cyberpanel and phpmyadmin manually. But what about the “Autologin” function of the phpmyadmin.

How can I simply click the button of the “PHPMYAdmin” at the cyberpanel and then access the phpmyadmin directly without typing the password in the phpmyadmin login page(after changing the database root password).

Now . I only got a blank page and the URL of the browser stop at -----stop at this blank page

I think that it maybe have to update the $cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘auth_type’] = ‘signon’;
auth of the cyberpanel for PHPmyadmin manually?

PHPMYadmin version 5.1
in file /usr/local/CyberCP/public/phpmyadmin/

There is code below
/* Authentication type */

$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘AllowNoPassword’] = false;
$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘auth_type’] = ‘signon’;
$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘SignonSession’] = ‘SignonSession’;
$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘SignonURL’] = ‘phpmyadminsignin.php’;
$cfg[‘Servers’][$i][‘LogoutURL’] = ‘phpmyadminsignin.php?logout’;

It seems that phpmyadminsignin.php can’t get the token to autologin the phpmyadmin ?

I’m getting the same problem now. I was suddenly getting some database-related errors and ended up resetting the database root password and now cannot access phpmyadmin from cyberpanel. I also get the error listed in this topic Wordpress: Installation failed. Error message: [404] when I try to create a new wordpress site.

Is there a way to update CyberPanel’s databse credentials? If not, what is the default mariadb root password so that I can revert it?

I solved this by following the instructions here:
Some Dont’s After Installing CyberPanel! - Docs / Unfiled - CyberPanel Community

I was able to find the original root password and then reverted it. However, it appears that it would also solve the @loveflysea’s issues as well.

As for my problem with installing wordpress, I fixed that by upgrading Cyberpanel with these instructions: 02 - Upgrading CyberPanel

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