How do I retrieve the webmail/snappymail admin password

I recently purchased a new vps with ubuntu 20.04 and I installed cyberpanel. I got everything configured only to find out that the amazon ec2 instances ports for sending emails are blocked. I can recieve them 100 percent of the time but for some reason I cant send them do to this blocked port. So I found a work around and that is to use AWS SES to send emails out. So I went to change the SMTP settings inside of the snappy mail application and It wouldnt let me log in to the admin panel… So Now I need to retrieve the password so that I may log in and change the settings so I can continue to test my server and website before the launch of my hosting provider/web development company on new years day. So Is there a default password or command line that I can use to get to the file of password. I tried the phpmyadmin but I couldnt find the table for the webmail/snappymail. So I could change it that way. So someone please help!!!

Welcome @cynclabs Happy you are here

Go to https://SERVER_URL:8090/snappymail?admin

Check your password on SSH terminal using:

cat /usr/local/lscp/cyberpanel/rainloop/data/_data_/_default_/admin_password.txt

Incase you already visited the admin panel and cannot log in back due to password, reset the password in the following way:

$ rm -f /usr/local/lscp/cyberpanel/rainloop/data/_data_/_default_/admin_password.txt
$ nano /usr/local/lscp/cyberpanel/rainloop/data/_data_/_default_/configs/application.ini

CTRL+W look up admin_password = and change it to admin_password = ""

By just visiting https://SERVER_URL:8090/snappymail?admin and not doing anything else. Your password should be here

cat /usr/local/lscp/cyberpanel/rainloop/data/_data_/_default_/admin_password.txt

Kindly never touch anything here if you do not want to break your installation

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thank you this worked for me

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