Error message: Blacklisted domain

Just recorded a short video on how to resolve Blacklisted domain problem on CyberPanel.

All you have to do is update your server host name so that you can create a domain.


hello usmannasir, im having the same problem but is creating a subdomain name this domain is going to have alot of subdomains.
The only reason i changed the server name to is because im been having problems with sending email. now the email does not go to spam but when i check PTR records on DNS CHECKER i get the bellow results on the image.
before i was having this error the server had only the name of the domain but not the dot extensions if i change the server back to just domain will the the emails work fine, or can you tell me hot to solve this two problems please.


Why i get the blacklisted error when i create a subdomain too. im trying to create a subdomain and is telling me that is blacklisted

Where to exactly find the source code to edit the file?

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I also have the same problem with the error message: Blacklisted domain…
Here is my domain name-
And can you upgrade it? Otherwise, where can I find the codes to upgrade it?

/usr/local/CyberCP/plogical/ line 793, the first argument socket.gethostname()

Or, you know, change the server hostname ( can be anything, except what’s in the list ).


it’s not a directory, or directories, it’s a file. On your server.

In any case, in the video, which you can watch and you should watch, there’s a second method which as I mentioned, just change the hostname to anything, anything but the domain name.

I also have the same problem with the error message: Blacklisted domain…
Here is my domain name-
And can you upgrade it? Otherwise, where can I find the codes to upgrade it?

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