DKIM manager not working after new install of CP

Hi all!
For the first, thanks all team and Usman for CP!!!

Problem, after new installation of CP, DKIM not working. I’m found a cause. The new version of DKIM is opendkim.x86_64 2.11.0-0.28.el8 from Epel repo. From old installation DKIM is opendkim.x86_64 2.11.0-0.17.el8.

If we see changelog:
2021-05-19 - W. Michael Petullo [email protected] - 2.11.0-0.21 - Move management utilities to opendkim-tools.
For new install you need to add in setup script opendkim-tools install command.
I’m put in terminal command: dnf install opendkim-tools and key for domains work perfect.
P.S. On Github i’m creating a issue, but no answer((

Please update cyberpanel and try then

I have allready latest version.

screenshoot the version here please

have you run apt-get update upgrade? or yum update ? lately ?

share error image please

Yes, of course.

This error after click on button Generate Now

The soulution is very simple.

dnf install opendkim-tools.

In script we see:

def installOpenDKIM(self):
            if self.distro == centos:
                command = 'yum -y install opendkim'
            elif self.distro == cent8:
                command = 'dnf install opendkim -y'
                command = 'apt-get -y install opendkim'

  , self.distro, command, command, 1, 0, os.EX_OSERR)

            if self.distro == ubuntu:
                command = 'apt install opendkim-tools -y'
      , self.distro, command, command, 1, 0, os.EX_OSERR)

                command = 'mkdir -p /etc/opendkim/keys/'
      , self.distro, command, command, 1, 0, os.EX_OSERR)

        except BaseException as msg:
            logging.InstallLog.writeToFile('[ERROR] ' + str(msg) + " [installOpenDKIM]")
            return 0

For ubuntu dist: ‘apt install opendkim-tools -y’
For CentOs dist: only ‘dnf install opendkim -y’

You need add ‘dnf install opendkim opendkim-tools -y’ for CentOS dist for setup script.

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