Cyberpanel suddenly refused to load - ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

Can you access mysql through the console?

Can you access /home/

If you cannot access both or both paths do not exist then no luck you have to reinstall the server os

Kindly move to a service provider that offers backups as an addon or snapshot management. This will save you this kind of hustle

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Update to the Issue.

I was able to access my home directory, and mysql database files. I had to first, dump databaseses, then used SCP, copy database
(.sql ) files from the server to my local machine ( in this case my physical MAC ).

The server will be destroyed.

After much observation, i realized, that the attacker from China had a way he got through via Cyberpanel on Centos 7.

PS**. DO NOT use Cyberpanel on CentOs 7, you should use Cyberpanel on other OS, Ubuntu is preferable.

Issue solved !

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