Do you have a CNAME for www
This is what I have.
IP means server IP
Mail probably will not work since port (if I am not mistaken port 25?) is blocked by provider (VPS provider).
Create a CNAME for www content as / DNS only / TTL (auto)
Dear Joseph,
Gratitude for help.
I figured out how to introduce it. All things considered it’s truly odd with PHP.
On CyberPanel I have chosen PHP 7.4. You could run www [dot] prepackaged game [dot] lt/phpinfo.php and you will see that the php adaptation is 7.4. Anyway when I associate with root CMD and type php - v I get this:
PHP 8.1.12 (cli) (assembled: Oct 28 2022 17:39:57) (NTS)
Copyright (c) The PHP Gathering
Zend Motor v4.1.12, Copyright (c) Zend Advancements
with Zend OPcache v8.1.12, Copyright (c), by Zend Advancements
So it’s truly peculiar the way that it really works. IN CMD I have introduced PHP 7.4 and chosen as default - then, at that point, my site can’t stack by any means. Assuming I leave in CMD 8.1 rendition it works. Anyway in directmyadmin and Cyberpanel and, surprisingly, in this phpinfo page shows 7.4 form.
The thing is presently is really that opencart does no heap symbols and a few things. I accept that this is essentially in regards to PHP issues however not certain what’s up.