Create website internal server error


so when i click on create website the page starts loading for 3 min and suddenly it shows 500 internal server error

clicking on create website after 3 min loading

Anyone knows how to fix it

(long time ago i created some other websites and they are still usable and they work perfectly)

Hello @arianramianpour Happy you are here

TIme to upgrade your copy

sh <(curl || wget -O -

If using a sudo user rather than root, try this:

sudo su - -c "sh <(curl || wget -O -"

If symptoms persist enable dynamic logging Troubleshooting CyberPanel - Docs - CyberPanel Community and CyberP debug logs Troubleshooting CyberPanel - Docs - CyberPanel Community in summary:


nano /usr/local/CyberCP/CyberCP/

find DEBUG = False and change it to DEBUG = True and then do systemctl restart lscpd

And then redo what you are doing and you will get the reason for 500 Error.

okay i did update still getting error


`nano /usr/local/CyberCP/CyberCP/`

find `DEBUG = False` and change it to `DEBUG = True` and then do `systemctl restart lscpd`

And then redo what you are doing and you will get the reason for 500 Error.

no error
checked logs also no error

still when i click on create website it loads for ever

Which server os are you using?

Also post a screenshot of https://SERVER_URL:8090/base/versionManagment

Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS

There is definitely something wrong you should probably check mariadb settings for cyberpanel are correct if there is no errors displayed for django side of cyberpanel. The easiest method would be MySQL optimization on CyberPanel - Docs - CyberPanel Community if you are not interested in their services you can do it manually by optimizing your mysql installation

OR (workaround)

Use the CLI to create your website

cyberpanel createWebsite --package Default --owner admin --domainName --email [email protected] --php 8.1