Command to add a Website, User... features of CyberPanel via SSH Terminal

What is the command to add a website, user, and features of CyberPanel via the commands in the linux ssh terminal?
Does Cyberpanel support that? Or just support that via WEBGUI?

Thank you for your attention! :*

For now, it’s from GUI only but has planned to add this functionality via command line.


hi bro, it is necessary for development features using composer / git

[x] enable ssh

when creating user, with chroot/jailed
with directory structure as follow;
or /home/user/
or /home/user/
in /etc/passwd would be

as currently

as installed on my server vps centos 7, and have a plan to migrate from vestacp/sentora to this CyberPanel (cpanel :smile: ) with no error…

I hope the control commands for Cyberpanel (add, delwebsite, user …) will soon be released. Some Devs can write 3rd party softwares like additional plugins for Cyberpanel :slight_smile:

We will be doing this shortly.

would be awesome to create users, ftp accounts via terminal

would be awesome to create users, ftp accounts via terminal

would be awesome to create users, ftp accounts via terminal

Thanks! is it possible to give custom path and other than admin privilege ? Because --owner user throws error of

0,Administrator matching query does not exist

actually on FTPUtilities.submitFTPCreation we can pass path to the function if you add that in createFtpAccount but it won’t via the cli

I am not sure how you are using the command but this works on my end

cyberpanel createFTPAccount --domainName --userName cyberpanel --password cyberpanel --owner admin

Please note the --owner parameter, you must give it an existing user from cyberpanel.

above cli command works but can’t specify the path. After looking your repo on github i realized that the class has path args actually but ‘None’ is passing by default

need to do something like:

cyberpanel createFTPAccount --domainName --userName cyberpanel --password cyberpanel --owner admin -path /some/other/path

Alright. For now default path of /home/ is used.

Hello, in CyberPanel Command Line Interface - 19 - CLI - CyberPanel Community
I don’t see any commands to create and manage users

–owner admin