backup and restore

hi how to restore backup website in user account

You need to move the backup file to /home/backup directory in order to restore it.

but file is already in home/backup directory

This page can be used to restore your websites, Back up should be generated from CyberPanel Back up generation tool, it will detect all Back ups under /home/backup

i am confusing /home/backup directory
cyber panel generate backup /home/domain name/backup
but how to put file home/backup directory because it does not allow to me and user account to move back to home/ directory

ssh into the server as root and run this command
cp /home/ /home/backup

thanks for help now file back up and restore is working

Ola estou com dificuldade de fazer upload do backup do meu antigo site para o syberpanel… alguem poderia me orientar? pois escolho restaurar na hora que e pra selecionar o arquivo nao aparece nada nenhum arquivo.

Ola estou com dificuldade de fazer upload do backup do meu antigo site para o syberpanel.. alguem poderia me orientar? pois escolho restaurar na hora que e pra selecionar o arquivo nao aparece nada nenhum arquivo.

Olá amigo, estou com este mesmo problema, por acaso você conseguiu resolver? Se sim, poderia passar a solução?