Authentication failed Email Snappy Mail

I Would like to thank all of cyberpanel team Mr. @usmannasir and Mr. @josephgodwinke for there support and patience to find solution of my mail server big problem since one month tried to fix it, The problem not from cyberpanel the problem because of Ubuntu20.04 i am using hostinger and select OS Ubuntu20.04 after that installed cyberpanel but there was an issue the dovecot not installed was giving error and i tried to install it manually but issue still same, i reinstalled CentOS 7 instead of Ubuntu20.04 and dovecot installed with cyberpanel automatically without using ssh to install cyberpanel and now domain and mail server are working fine elhamdlilah still only SSL certificate
Thank you so much and i am sorry i said before i think the problem related to cyberpanel not supported mail server snappy mail.

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