Any news about Debian?

Debian is one of the most powerful linux OS. Any news when CyberPanel will support Debian?

We recently started supporting Ubuntu 18.04, currently, there is no plan for Debian.

That’s too bad. Would I still be able to install Cyberpanel on Fedora (server edition) @CyberPanel?

i think for now
Cyberpanel only support ubuntu 20.04, alma

I like Debian a lot, we use it rather than Ubuntu when we aren’t using a RHEL based distro.

That said, I don’t think that there is any value in CyberPanel trying to support every distro out there, it spreads resources more thinly and increases the chances of issues.

One RHEL based distro, i.e. AlmaLinux, and one Debian based distro, i.e. Ubuntu is enough.

Would I prefer Debian to Ubuntu, personally yes, but CyberPanel has a big install base of Ubuntu users so that definitely isn’t going to change anytime in the foreseeable future.

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