About httpd.conf

Dear All,

I am using latest version cyberpanel. A plugin I purchased didn’t work, and one of the developer team wrote:

I could see that HMWP rewrite rules are not being followed, which is because of server settings as I mentioned above.

For example, the rewrite rule as below is not working when added to site’s .htaccess file:

RewriteRule ^other/(.*) /wp-includes/$1 [QSA,L]

For this rewrite rule to work, “AllowOverride None” should be changed to “AllowOverride All” in Apache’s httpd.conf. Can you please reach out to your hosting provider with these details?

When I forward them to my host, they say that it automatically turns on in cyberpanel. How can I tell if this is obvious? I was afraid to look over SSH because I’m afraid of making a critical mistake. Is there a place on SSH or Panel where I can see if this is open?