503 Service Unavailable clean install

Provider: Hetzner

Virtualization Type: KVM

System: Centos 8

Installation option: since during the installation.
there will be few option to choose,so please provide it as well.

OLS or Enterprise?

Installing from official server or mirror server?

Install Memcached extension for PHP?
Install LiteSpeed Memcached?
Install Memcached?
Install Redis extension for PHP?

Install Redis?


After a clean install with all default options port 8090 shows 503 error

The installation page states 7 as minimum. Centos 7.x (Recommended minimal version)

Is 8 definitely not supported? If so, its an easy fix :slight_smile:

Type your comment> @daniel said:

The installation page states 7 as minimum. Centos 7.x (Recommended minimal version)

01 - Installing CyberPanel - Docs - CyberPanel Community

Is 8 definitely not supported? If so, its an easy fix :slight_smile:

No it states centos 7 minimal version recommended. Not really an easy fix, you are welcomed to contribute to the project at GitHub - usmannasir/cyberpanel: Cyber Panel - The hosting control panel for OpenLiteSpeed

I was only meaning it was an easy solution to my problem :slight_smile: I’ll install Ubuntu .Thanks for your input guys

The instructions are a bit missleading, then.

“Centos 7.x (Recommended minimal version)” implies that any version starting with 7.x should work.

Further more, the install.sh script downloaded has:

elif echo $OUTPUT | grep -q “CentOS Linux 8” ; then
echo -e "
Detecting Centos 8…

In the source.

Also cyberpanel.sh has:

#CyberPanel installer script for CentOS 7.X, CentOS 8.X, CloudLinux 7.X and Ubuntu 18.04

That implies at least some CentOS 8 support.

Sadly I run into the same issues as the initial poster – 503 right on a clean install.

Would be nice to get a warning or some actual docs on OS support.

It’s “misleading” because it says MINIMAL and only a MAJOR version is mentioned.

Any sane person would think that 8.x is larger than 7.x and it works.

All I’m saying is that the wording could be better.

Then you should use specific wording.

  • CentOS 7.x Minimal Install

Most people will install this on a VPS or dedicated server, and they will most likely have a “Minimal Install” template, already.

Also, maybe you should update the original article on the website, to mention that it supports CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04, and maybe experimental CentOS 8.

source /usr/local/CyberCP/bin/activate

pip install --ignore-installed -r /usr/local/CyberCP/requirments.txt
virtualenv --system-site-packages /usr/local/CyberCP

systemctl restart gunicorn.socket

Updating some of the dependencies did the trick for me