404 Not Found

I’m trying to install one web site url/install/index
not working, 404 Not Found
how to correct it

Paste your rewrite rules here, and what kind of application is this?

DirectoryIndex index.php

#<Files ~ “\.(woff2|woff|ttf|otf|svg)$”>

Header add Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”


No directory listings

IndexIgnore *

RewriteEngine on
# Comment the following line if you have not a .well-known directory in the root folder.
RewriteRule ^(\\.well-known/.*)$ $1 [L]

RewriteRule    ^$    webroot/    [L]
RewriteRule    (.*) webroot/$1    [L]


php 7

@thomassiskos said:
php 7

Are you using CakePHP framework?

I made the transfer from Plesk Onyx and work normally

Create a ticket.

Where to go create a ticket


I have the same problem. Annoying this cyberpanel bug, and from what I researched on the internet, this problem is old and persistent … I lost many days trying to solve this problem and only wasted time until now.


This not a CyberPanel or OpenLiteSpeed bug, there is a slight difference of rewrite rules with OpenLiteSpeed, but the good news is that from version 1.7 onwards you can copy exact rules from apache and they will work out of the box.

But for now you need to make slight changes to your rewrite rules using these guide:


If you still can’t figure out, submit a support request.

Thanks for the help. I will try to apply these rules.
Please, could you tell me how I can access my site through the local network? I have the cyberpanel installed on a computer here at home. I can usually access the cyberpanel panel on the local network and using the internet, but I can not see the website through the local network, just over the internet.
My cyberpanel server runs on CentOS on IP

Thanks for the help. I will try to apply these rules. Please, could you tell me how I can access my site through the local network? I have the cyberpanel installed on a computer here at home. I can usually access the cyberpanel panel on the local network and using the internet, but I can not see the website through the local network, just over the internet. My cyberpanel server runs on CentOS on IP

It is not very good practice to install CyberPanel and host websites on a local computer/laptop.

But looks like you are behind NAT, you can do port forwarding on your router.

Forward port 80, and 8090 for the web server and CyberPanel access.